4(III+IV=picc).3.2.bcl.3(III=cbsn) - 6.4.2.btrbn.euph.1 - timp(2 sets) - perc(5): vib/brake drums(sml+lrg)/3 opera gongs(sml,med,lrg) flat on flap tray/guiro/kick BD with pedal/SD(regular)/3 tom-t(sml,med,lrg)/2 pairs of bongos (sml bongo tuned v high)/3 crot/4 susp cym (high,med,med lrg+lrg)/concert BD laid flat/glsp/2 SD played as pair (picc+deep)/cowbell (med lrg)/t.bells (shared with Perc 5)/mar(shared with Perc 5)/2 piccolo wdbl (diff pitches)/3 roto-toms (sml,med,lrg)/xyl/scaffolding pipe - 2 harp - cel - org - strings. Proms Youth Ensemble: 10 trbn/youth choir/4 euph/6 tpt/6 perc (4 SD/2 BD/2 tam-t/4 susp.cym (different sizes)