'A fascinating, virtuosic and spectacularly colorful journey through the course of a day, it’s a real gem – and proof, if any were needed, that the string quartet genre is still alive, well and inspiring brilliant new work.' The Washington Post


Score 0571540112 and parts 0571540120 on sale

Programme Notes

i - Nightfalls
ii - Morning Dew
iii - Days
iv - The Twenty-fifth Hour


'Naturalistic touches such as the dewdrops on pizzicato strings are counterbalanced by a self-conscious cerebralism. The latter reaches its apogee in the finale, headed The Twenty-Fifth Hour, where the mercifully unprecedented time signature of 25/16 tests the metrical precision of the players. The draggy lilt of Adès's intricate rhythms, nicely caught, is an attractive feature.'
London Evening Standard (Barry Millington), 8 April 2011
'Four Quarters draws the listener into strange, compelling places.'
Financial Times (Richard Fairman), 11 April 2011
'Though Brief, these four movements have a striking weight and presence.'
The Sunday Times (Paul Driver), 17 April 2011

The Four Quarters

St Mary's Church (Lastingham, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom)

Artist TBC